## version $VER: xpkguide.catalog 1.7 (11.1.95) ## codeset 0 ## language X MSG_NEED_AG ; You need amigaguide.library V34+ to run XPKGuide MSG_NEED_ICONLIB ; I can't open icon.library ?!?!? MSG_SCR_NOSCREEN ; Couldn't open screen MSG_NEED_KICK2 ; You need Kickstart 2.04+ to run XPKGuide MSG_FREQ_TITLE ; Select an AmigaGuide file MSG_REQ_CHOICE_TXT ; What do you want to do? MSG_REQ_CHOICE_GADS ; Quit|About XPKGuide|Cancel MSG_NOFILE ; No file selected MSG_ERR_DEL_TMPFILE ; Error deleting temp file MSG_CANCEL ; Cancel MSG_ABOUT_1 ; I can be contacted at:\n MSG_ABOUT_2 ; This software is subject to the "Standard Amiga\nFD-Software Copyright Note. It is Mailware as defined\nin paragraph 4b. For more information please read\n\"AFD-COPYRIGHT\" (Version 1 or higher). MSG_YOU_NEED ; You need %s to view this file MSG_NO_BUFFER ; Couldn't allocate buffer MSG_COULDNOT_READ_FILE ; Couldn't read file MSG_DECRUNCHING ; Decrunching... MSG_OKAY ; Okay